My choice for clean makeup is Crunchi.

If you know my story, you know that my skin is pretty ornery. Between lupus, chemical sensitivities, heliotrope rash, and systemic allergic response… I am reluctant to put anything on my face!

For years, I rarely wore makeup and I suffered when I did. It was a great relief to find non-toxic products that blessed my face and body instead of tormented. The company I formerly used delivered great makeup but was radically activist for causes I find abhorrent. In an effort to bring my conscience and values into better alignment with my purchasing, I researched until I found an alternative.

No regrets! Crunchi’s products are beautiful and healthy. My skin has been happy and calm. The company has been welcoming and pleasant (and not radicalized).

If you want to explore more, go to my page at Crunchi HERE (affiliate)

If you want to read about why I left BC, please keep reading below. I'm sharing this publicly because I promoted BC here and need to retract my recommendation. Many approach me looking for healthy resources and I want to share the best of what I’ve found, for body and for soul.

Why did I switch? A little background...

Disclaimer: I do not claim authority over your conscience. This is my story, not anyone else’s.

In 2016, I wrote an article about the UN's push for the anti-Christian Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) within the Church. To recognize organized evil was one thing; to see it in the Church was a bigger blow. So I wrestled and came to terms with reality:

Evil's gonna evil. And it will strike repeatedly at the heart of Christ, even within the Church where weakness allows. His kingdom is like a mustard seed, like leaven... and imposters will bring disease. Anyway...

My faith is intact and I fight the UN and their anti-Gospel where I can. So when I discovered that the clean makeup company I was using was actively involved in their pro-death agenda, I sighed. Deeply.

And started digging.

There isn't a way to extricate myself from every woke company. But my line in the sand has to be drawn at actively promoting one that I knew in conscience I had to vigorously oppose.

I do not judge your discernment. There is no perfection in this enmeshed culture. I know many faithful women who use and promote my former company and I shared my reasons for switching with some of you before posting... thank you for your gracious hearts! This is not about your choices but about my own discernment and need to best serve those who ask for recommendations.

Here's where I draw the line with personal promotion...

-Supports the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and works to build them into local and national legislation

-Signatory to the
UN’s Global Compact

the World Economic Forum (WEC) goals and evaluates company actions against those standards. The WEC is the originator of the Great Reset (aka global Communism)

-Feminist activism

-Anti-Christian moral agenda

-Support of Marxist organizations

-Acquired by major
radical leftist investment group

-Founder started the company because she was inspired by a radical leftist environmentalist documentary

There is more. But these suffice. The WEC is everything Americans are fighting against now. The SDGs are incompatible with Catholicism. Along with the constant pounding of the activist drums on every platform and in company training, it all became too much.

I cannot promote a company with my left hand and oppose its overt goals with my right. I wouldn't be able to sleep at night.

I do not expect business to be Christian and I make many purchasing compromises, but if aggressive opposition to the Gospel is a primary focus in their mission, it is worth seeking alternatives.

Where does Crunchi stand on these issues? I have no idea. Their focus seems to be beautiful products and I appreciate that.

If you are looking for a source for clean makeup, please go to my shop link at Crunchi to look around and read more about what I’m currently using. For those who have questions, feel free to contact me HERE.