Divorcing Pharma

My latest at Crisis Magazine…⁣⁣
“It is a fact that without Christ at the heart of the healthcare industry, every manner of atrocity is not only possible, but probable. Modern medicine can, of course, be a great good when rightly ordered. But a dependency on an industry that no longer serves the Lord can only lead to diminishing health.”⁣⁣
Stop Pharming Out Your Health
I expect that my strong wording at various places in this piece will draw some criticism. What a privilege it is to have the freedom to vigorously engage in such discussions!⁣⁣
I’m grateful to Crisis for the opportunity and for their ongoing efforts to keep discussion alive about the most important things. From their website…⁣⁣
“Every generation has its moment of crisis—the moment when it must decide. And each generation is tasked with articulating these timeless truths of the Faith to guide its decisions.”

Responding to the Accusations of the Catholic Left

I was not going to give false words written against me even a moment of my time. Then I realized that the author's ideas (disseminated by the dissident America Magazine) have infected even faithful Catholics... and I do object to my name being used to promote these errors.⁣

So I wrote a response to the author, who supports medical mandates and wants you to stop asking questions and making thoughtful comparisons…

The Necessity of Comparison: A Response to the Catholic Left

There is much wisdom in examining history to avoid repeating its errors and horrors. Americans used to agree on that, and I hope we can vanquish the popular leftist tactic of intimidation that insists that this is… verboten.⁣

Why aren’t we permitted to ask questions? To exercise vigorous scientific, historical, religious, and cultural debate? Who gets to decide which thoughts we are permitted to have, which comparisons we are authorized to make?

Let us continue to ask the questions, make the comparisons, and act as responsible citizens and people of informed faith.

Creative loving in unusual times

We were blessed yesterday by creative family members who took us to see the Zoo lights. They set up a party station in the parking lot complete with hot chocolate, popcorn, and gifts.⁣

We have different approaches to the virus in our family, but I am so grateful that there has been no hatred. Those who choose to exercise more caution have energetically pursued ways to connect with and love us.⁣

There has been disappointment at times. We hope for a return to normal. Two years is too long. But we’ve certainly had more adventures outside! And we are grateful to have been treated as beloved, especially when there is much division and anger among many families.⁣

We didn’t get a family Christmas picture yet but we still have time. The tree will be up until the season is over. And it will take us at least that long to finish celebrating!⁣

Merry Christmas, everyone! I know it has been a tough season. Many separations, sickness, loss. I pray that in the midst of it all, you have encountered the Presence and joy of Jesus Christ. Blessed be EMMANUEL!

Parents... Please Pause.

This is not a command but an appeal. I honor your rights as a parent, your conscience, your intellect...⁣

Please pause.⁣

Children have not reached the age of consent for medical care. Parents make those decisions. Some institutions refer to the child's participation as "assent" which they say is “on the continuum of consent." Clever.⁣ But let's discuss...⁣

The bodies of our children will carry the effects of our decisions. They don't really have a choice. So with regard to the vaccine, here is my appeal...⁣

Please consider allowing your kids to wait until the age of informed consent to choose a permanent bodily modification for a low risk illness. There is no evidence that the benefits outweigh the risk. Long term studies have not been done. These kids ARE the test group. There is no control group. No placebo.⁣

The injuries among adults are high. Much higher than any previous treatment of this kind. In years past, it would have been pulled from the market quickly.⁣ With regard to children, the inventor of the RNA vaccine technology has issued a strong warning about the damage which can permanently harm you child…

“Ask yourself if you want your own child to be part of the most radical medical experiment in human history.”

Please listen to his 4-minute statement HERE.

You can ignore his expertise and make your own decision. I understand the confusion which surrounds this issue. But it doesn’t harm anyone to pause. We make the best decisions we can. But as a young mom, I trusted "safe and effective" and TWICE I learned the hard way that it isn't always true.⁣

Doctors don’t pay your bills if it goes south.
Nobody comes home with you to help.
People will be angry with you.
It's weird… but most simply won't care.⁣

I am asking you to pause because I learned the hard way. My kids didn't choose it. I did. I'm sorry. And I can't undo it.⁣

I suspect that 2022 is going to see a dramatic increase in awareness as more doctors ignore parents and use terms like “medical mystery" and "extremely rare"… and then hand them a bill that no family can afford and VAERS won't pay. But moms aren't stupid...⁣

There is nothing on earth that can compensate for an injured child. Nothing.

What happens if our kids "take one for the team?" As a famous pro-V priest put it to me once: injured kids are "an acceptable sacrifice" for the greater good. Not sure how that helps. It doesn’t even console.⁣

So, no. No more. Not for mine.⁣

Please consider pausing.⁣

(This is not a judgment on anyone. I have a specific lens I share from. Not of fear but of reality. I wish health was as easy as a needle. It's not.)

No Fear.

Some people tell me that the severity of my illness scared them. Fear has no place in this battle and so I want to speak to my circumstances specifically. If you don't like medical details, maybe pass! But I wrote a book about health and I'm public about not taking the v, so I feel like I owe more info.⁣

No fear. I want you to be prepared but NOT afraid. So listen...⁣

We can live a healthy life but we can't control everything. We get sick. We will die. So we have to start there. Memento Mori.⁣ After that... I eat well, stay active, don't drink, smoke, or vape, and I live clean. Those things won’t keep me alive forever, though I do believe they ultimately helped my body through this...⁣

But why did I get so sick?⁣ There's not always an answer. Viruses are gonna virus. But I can share this...⁣

One of the symptoms of my chronic illness is called the "MS Hug." AKA banding, girdling, or intercostal muscle spasticity caused by spinal lesions.⁣

It presents differently for people. Mine can feel like labor pains, restrict breathing, eating, and drinking, cause fever, air hunger, cramping, nausea. It can be absent for months or occur daily. It was a battle I'd been fighting for weeks leading up to the virus.⁣

When it was clear that we had C, I started on protocols immediately but I simply could not properly hydrate or nourish my body due to pre-existing difficulties.

That is not a complete explanation but it was absolutely a contributing factor. I needed intervention. My flesh is weak. But...⁣ I'm recovering well. And I will say again what I said even on the first day of misery:⁣⁣

There is no room for fear. Even if we die, let us die in His peace.⁣

In place of fear, we must have unshakable trust in the goodness of God and a commitment to honor the gift of our bodies with respectful and prudent care. Not because we fear a virus, but because we love Him.⁣

Do what we can and do it with vigor.⁣

Let God transform our fears to holy surrender, to prepare, to be warriors of grace. The real danger of this virus is the stripping of holy confidence from God’s beloved people. So let us work and pray and praise...⁣

“Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.” ~ Eph 5:14

Surviving October

It’s been 17 days since I felt the first symptoms of Wuhan’s gain-of-function variant. Not to be dramatic, but I think I overestimated my body’s ability to survive October.⁣⁣
If a virus can have a spiritual component, this one surely does. As my body was weakened and attacked, so were my mind and soul. Oppressive darkness. I found encouragement through a sick friend’s Christ testimony. But for my own part, I could hardly pray…⁣

I was helpless while a battle raged around me. Through me. For me.⁣ Thank you all for your prayers and support. You carried me.⁣
I did not expect pneumonia to take over so fast. To hurt so much. I did not expect to lose spiritual buoyancy. I didn’t expect anger and loss of rational thought. I didn’t expect not to care. I didn’t expect the heavy grief.⁣
As care mobilized around me, I was overwhelmed by sorrow. I couldn’t brush my hair so my daughter did it. Blessing. Yet I was aware of every soul cut off from touch… isolated in the name of health.⁣⁣
Pain was relentless. I was afraid at times. But I was never robbed of the presence of my loved ones. If I would have died—in the midst of my utterly ungraceful surrender—my family would have held me until I was home.⁣⁣
There were many times when I needed to weep for those whose hair should have been stroked, cheeks kissed, feet rubbed, with assurances uttered and prayers whispered. I couldn’t because I couldn’t both breathe and cry. I’m crying now… maybe I won’t ever stop.⁣⁣
Recovery may take a while. Mornings are tough. I’ve lost weight. But I’m walking on my own again and the darkness is lifting. The Lord never left me. He just allowed me to feel the darkness of a virus-centric world bereft of Christ.⁣⁣
I have more to say about the ephemeral and the enduring. But for today:⁣⁣
• I will never take the syringe. A nation which violates God’s laws will not receive His blessing.⁣⁣
•If you mock the sick and dead because their jab status affirms your ego, get your soul right before it’s your turn to endure.⁣⁣
• Do not be afraid of illness, but be prepared to fight for health and beautiful eternity. AMDG ☀️

"I will dare and dare and dare..."



St. Joan of Arc was martyred because she was politically inconvenient. She wasn’t an expert, theologian, politician, or notable figure. She didn’t know how to read. She gave simple, radical fidelity and devotion to God. Then she led an army. And testified before the world.⁣⁣

We are not called to less than Joan, though our “army” may not look like hers. It’s for Him to say and for us to surrender. The gauge of success is only His will, His time, for His purpose.⁣⁣

May we be so simple in our own times. Free to be holy and even political according to His desire. Faith and reason are consistent. Our faith is integrated. In our own times, we know...⁣⁣

• It defies reason to think that people who dissect children alive and use them in research are trustworthy in any other matter.⁣⁣

• It defies reason to believe that people who reject Christian moral teachings will be honest about anything.⁣⁣

• It defies reason to place health and children in the care of wicked people and expect a good outcome.⁣⁣

There are many who dare to give us permission to step away from Natural and Divine Law in pursuit of something deemed safer.⁣⁣..

But God will not bless it.

We know this from all of Salvation History and the story of every soul who got impatient waiting for Him to act. Our answers never work out.⁣⁣

Direct abuse of the Sacred cannot call down blessing. Breaking with His holy design can only result in temporal and spiritual death.⁣⁣

Think times are confusing? They are. But Joan was born during a time of a pope and 2 anti-popes. During a time of war. She was mystical and political. She led an army in support of a weak monarch. A Bishop and a cadre of theologians condemned her as a heretic and subjected her to painful death.⁣⁣

What is our excuse? Fear of death? Let us ask the great saint whether she had fear of politicians, clerics, or illness… and we will get an uncomfortable answer:

“Even though I saw the executioner and the fire, I could not say anything but what I have said.”⁣⁣

“It is better to be alone with God... In His strength, I will dare and dare and dare until I die.”⁣⁣


(My sweatshirt is from veritascaritaslibertas.com and I love it.⁣⁣)

Birthdays, liberty, and pot-banging love.


We had our birthday party this weekend! She wanted us to wear our favorite colors. We both received pajamas. And it occurred to me that she seems to be growing younger since being liberated from her extended quarantine.

I have many new friends on social media who don't know Beth. Although the family info I share on social media is limited, I do want you to meet this beautiful woman who suffered so much under Ohio's unlawful, immoral, and cruel lockdowns. She was separated from us for the better part of a year while being cared for by strangers who were free to come and go. A woman already unable to perform the simplest functions for herself... confined to a degree that most lockdown advocates would never accept for themselves.

Those of us who have the unrestricted use of our limbs and voices have an obligation to live energetically for the vulnerable. That's going to look different for all of us, but the obligation still exists.

I can, to a degree, understand those gripped by fear of viruses. But I will never understand championing orders that destroy the minds, bodies, and souls of others so that we can live to die another day.

Every single health order given has contributed to the declining health of individuals and community. I oppose every one of them. They are not designed to increase health but to increase control and teach compliance. And the vulnerable are always the first quiet casualties of tyranny.

We must be free to serve according to the will of God. Not as "woke" people burdened by a shame of “privilege" (a diabolical distortion of the virtues of humility and gratitude)… but with a growing gratitude for His gifts in us which have been bestowed for purpose of service and praise.

It is our duty to develop our responsiveness to this goodness, to cultivate tenderness, and to allow love for others to grow until our fears can no longer hold us back from holy action

Even if we fail, we must try to stop this diabolically blinded race toward the cliff. We must say NEVER AGAIN. Not via lockdowns, face coverings, injections. It is only the radical acceptance of the tender mercy and passionate love of Jesus Christ which can restore us to sanity and health now.

So here I am, banging my pot again. Please join me. And please pray for Beth and all the vulnerable.

Healing is about surrender.

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Jesus asked the paralytic at the pool: “Do you want to be well?” (Jn 5:1-18⁣)
Simple question to which most of us answer YES.

Yet we often misunderstand...⁣

We want to be well while eating poorly.⁣
To be strong without effort.⁣
To be changed without changing.⁣
To watch toxic media.⁣
To listen to sinful music.⁣
To eat what tastes good.⁣
Do what feels good.⁣
Let our imaginations become corrupted.⁣
Grow sedentary.⁣
Remain ungrateful…⁣

And we shake our fist at God and wonder why we are sick.⁣

I wrote a book about natural healing with one basic message:⁣
The greatest potential for healing comes when we surrender our behaviors to God’s design.⁣

We break ourselves under the weight of a lifetime of unrestricted corn syrup, pornified media, toxic chemicals, and unsanctified relationships, and are shocked that we are sick. Eventually, we are forced to turn to pharma to rescue us.⁣

How ironic that this industry (which now dominates our “health” care) uses the dissected bodies of children to make medicine. It is the anti-Gospel. An open mockery of God and His design.⁣

My disease isn’t all my fault. But it partially is. If I would have surrendered my behaviors to the Lord decades ago, many things would be different. My healing only began after I turned away from pharma as savior, turned to Christ, and took responsibility: “Do you want to be well?”⁣

He wasn’t offering a magic pill; He was asking for complete SURRENDER.⁣

Healing began when I accepted the inevitability of death, the consequences of sin and my own behaviors, and the responsibility for treating my body with the dignity with which it was created.⁣

My approach has never been about buying the latest and greatest fad. It is simply radical surrender. I exist because the life of Christ lives within me…⁣

And I will always experience healing (in His way and time) when I glorify Him through my choices:⁣

Wholesome food.⁣
Sanctify leisure.⁣
Discipline appetites.⁣
Reduce toxic exposure.⁣
Reject the secular path of health. That pool is not the way of Christ.⁣

"Rise, take up your pallet... and walk...Sin no more."⁣

How a Neurotic Germaphobe put the faithful to sleep

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“When anything is subject to the light it becomes visible… Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give you light.”
Hitler was a neurotic germaphobe. His fixation on racial cleansing was rooted in his fear of biological threats to the German people.⁣⁣⁣ How did he convince a nation to submit to his neurosis? He understood human psychology…⁣⁣⁣
He knew he needed to magnify fear. The vehicle was an appeal to the noble goal of “public health.” Tuberculosis was the great enemy. And it had many carriers.⁣⁣⁣
Early on, there were mandatory X-rays of German and Polish citizens.⁣⁣⁣ It was a new technology and there was concern about radiation. But to root out the TB devil, individual rights were subordinated to communal well-being.
“It’s just an X-ray."⁣⁣⁣
The unclean were marked & restricted. Citizens disarmed.⁣ Marriages prohibited. Assets stolen. Citizens imprisons…

400,000 Germans were forcibly sterilized.⁣⁣ 5,000 died as a result of the operation. Acceptable sacrifices on the altar of safety.
“It’s just a surgery.”⁣⁣
TB vaccines were developed using children (dissected and then murdered) instead of animals, because they had to know how it would impact humans. Maybe that’s what they told the judge at the Nuremberg trials. I don’t know. Maybe Fauci knows. In violating the Nuremberg Code, he must have had a good reason, too.
Many died from those experimental injections.⁣⁣⁣ But…
"It's just a needle.”

It’s for a greater good.
We might as well use it.
No sense in letting good research go to waste.
It was just a few kids.
It was just unborn babies. Dissected alive, but still…
It will honor their memory.
My Bishop said it’s fine… remote, you know.
We have to stop TB. We have to stop the virus.
We must.
I don’t want to die.

Later on, the Nazis used TB as biowarfare against the Allies and infected ghettos/camps to facilitate extermination.⁣⁣⁣
Corporations jumped on board the ship of Nazi horrors.
Bayer experimented on humans for TB research... and made Zyklon B for the gas chambers and funded Mengele’s research, knowing fully what he was doing.⁣⁣⁣
But... it's about TB so it's okay. Crimes against humanity? No big deal. Very short prison term. US protection. Bayer must make some good aspirin.⁣⁣
Fanta was invented specifically for the Nazi troops by Coca Cola.
Henry Ford built war vehicles for the Nazis.
Chase Bank froze Jewish assets.
IBM built a death-machine infrastructure.
Random House published Nazi propaganda.
Hugo Boss designed uniforms for the SS and Hitler Youth.
Swarovski was part of the Nazi leadership.
BMW built Nazi planes and motorcycles, used slave labor, and accepted stolen Jewish businesses.
Nestle used free labor from Nazi prison camps.
The Associated Press participated in Nazi propaganda.
But… it’s probably all okay.

(This is where Americans must work hard to implement cognitive dissonance)…
It’s just a mask.⁣⁣⁣
Just a star.⁣⁣⁣
Just a jab.
For public health.⁣⁣⁣
The experts say...⁣⁣⁣

You can’t keep your job, shop, go to school, get medical care, travel, worship, or speak freely. You can’t marry, bury your dead, decline and injection, visit your loved ones, or receive the sacraments.

Don’t worry though. It's for public health.⁣⁣

The signs of the time are becoming more clear. We are in a time of shaking. There is a great cracking of the pious facade. When the temptation to sing a little louder to drown out the voices of the marginalized is pressing on us like we never imagine it would, we try to reassure ourselves…

“We aren’t like the Germans. We’ll see it coming. Won’t we?”

Awake, O sleeper! We must awaken to a godly order. Let the light pour in on evil. Awake!

The only answer is a deepening, a shaking, and an awakening to the Person of Jesus Christ. It is Christ who will guide us and embolden us, renew us and bring us peace in evil times. It is He alone who can provide the courage to raise prophetic voices and stand in defense of the vulnerable.

Come, Holy Spirit. Embolden us with holy love. Amen.

Remembering... to stay awake.

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Remembering allows us to move forward with strength. And a deep memory allows us to understand how our sacrifices are connected to the ages. When a man or woman fights for goodness and freedom, they are giving their own lives in union with the Spirit of Christ for His people.

It is telling that the political left draws inspiration from the French Revolution while the right looks to the American Revolution. They are not the same; not in purpose, action, or spirit.⁣

The distinction clarifies the crisis we now face, and the two powers which have been present through Salvation History: the Spirit of Christ and of His adversary.⁣

This past year, we have seen American cities engulfed by fire and violence. With fists raised, citizens have shouted: “Equality, Liberty, Fraternity!” Politicians and teachers repeat the same.⁣

To know history is to understand that the spirit of the French Revolution is not a cry for true freedom… but a demand for blood. They did not rally to liberate their neighbors but to put their heads on pike poles.⁣

In 1793, the French mob allowed the Committee of Public Safety to give teeth to their demonic urges, crying, “Terror is the order of the day!”⁣

Why are leaders calling up this spirit in any form?⁣

Spurred on by propaganda, Americans find themselves elevated in the new class divisions and enjoy their perceived security: “I am safe. I have papers. I voted for them. They won’t bother me."⁣

It’s a lie, of course. Even Robespierre lost his head after creating a river of martyrs' blood. Every “useful idiot” and tyrant will ultimately perish in misery.⁣

People say we are seeing communism in America today and it seems true. But that is only one way of saying that the spirit that murdered our Blessed Lord is striking again... as it did in France, in Germany, in Russia...⁣

Just as Danton sought to destabilize France and the world, Marxists seek to do the same. And in every manifestation of this work, they oppress the faithful. Even in America…⁣

Where Christ is rejected, every horror becomes possible.⁣

Stay awake. Lanterns lighted. Become holy. Prepare. Eyes on Jesus alone.⁣

To those who have given all for godly freedom... I will strive to imitate your courage, teach it to my kids, and commend you to God. Thank you and your families. A blessed Memorial Day to all. 💙⁣

Molon Labe shirt from @voxclaracollection “Come and take it” Further explanation of this phrase can be found HERE.

Drink Your Own Poison...

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Humor me while I pretend not to be a second class citizen. I scratched my arm and Z gave me one of his bandaids. I'm told that camo is trending in first aid supplies.⁣

I admit to the clickbait image. I’m grieving a few things and I want to talk about them. I want others to talk about them:⁣

• Violation of human rights through mass experimentation.⁣

• Loss of informed consent.⁣

• Rejection of Nuremberg Code and Divine Law through coercion, manipulation, risk to health, marginalization, abuse of elderly, disable, and the poor.⁣

• Use of faith to manipulate people into violating conscience.⁣

• Abuse of religious authority to push secular political agenda.⁣

• The new diabolical “theology” that the end justifies the means.⁣

• The oppression of the Imago Dei⁣

• Silencing, doxing, and harassing of professionals who oppose the political narrative.⁣

• Division of communities into clean and unclean (the effective practice of every tyranny) defined by bandaids & papers.⁣

But one grief is more profound than others…⁣

That there are few Christians passionate enough to resist the murder of people for profit and health.⁣

At my judgment, I won’t be able to bring theologians, doctors, or popes with me. Alone, my conscience will be laid bare to the depths, exposed to pure Goodness. And I will be held to account.⁣

Fr. Michael Copenhagen puts it bluntly:⁣

“My personal calculus in approaching this treatment is not complex. If you extract my family member’s organs while murdering her, and have the audacity to offer me a medicine produced either in her cultured cells or only use those cells to test your medicine, then I have one response for you: Keep your medicine. Or perhaps the words of the Benedictine prayer are more fitting: Drink your own poison.”⁣

I've participated in this industry’s evil in the past. I am more careful now. I repent. God is a God of great mercy. Repent.⁣

Part 2 HERE

Healthy masking? Molds, allergens, common sense.

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Let’s talk masks, allergies, and mold today. I’m going to put on my aromatherapist cap for a minute—but mostly just my common sense cap—to discuss some rotten health practices... and some good ones.⁣⁣
First of all, solidarity with all allergy sufferers! Spring is rough. Especially when coughing in public is super awkward. (Please forgive me, fellow Mass-attendees… I promise it’s not the vid.)⁣⁣
There’s a time for extra caution. But it’s always time for looking closely at what is biologically beneficial for the body. There’s NEVER a time for propaganda-driven-one-size-fits-all-government-enforced health care… but I won’t go there today (much).⁣
Let’s talk about personal health and masks. A lot of us are sick. A lot of us have allergies and disease. A lot of us have chronic fatigue and pain. A few points of consideration:⁣⁣
•Masks trap allergens.⁣⁣
•Masks trap bacteria and mold.⁣⁣
•Within minutes, your mask will produce positive cultures for fungus and bacteria.⁣⁣
•Masks force you to aspirate waste that you exhale and anything that is trapped in your mask.⁣⁣
•People with chronic sinus/allergic issues often have mold trapped in their sinuses.⁣⁣
•People with emphysema are often medically mismanaged because their lung condition is actually fungal in nature.⁣⁣
•As a victim of severe mold poisoning and Lyme who has experienced a serious fungal lung infection... I don’t mask.⁣⁣
•As someone with chronic lung inflammation from autoimmune disease, I don’t mask.⁣⁣
•As an aromatherapist, I regularly diffuse anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal oils while I sleep to keep my airway passages healthy and support damaged tissue.⁣⁣
•I consider breathing fresh air an essential part of basic health.⁣⁣
I’m not telling you not to mask. I’m giving a picture of whole health. In a culture with a far greater epidemic of chronic disease than ‘rona, we’ve got to be smarter than we have been.⁣⁣
Also, I’m sharing my favorite respiratory diffuser blends below. Because plants are beautiful and God created them for our happiness and health.

Note: Instagram added a flag to this post there. It reads “Missing Context. Independent fact-checkers say information in this post could mislead people.” Further confirmation of my decision to back up content here. Because Instagram thinks you are an idiot and can’t think for yourself. I do not think that. You are free to accept or reject my content here. We are free together.


Interested in any of the oils and blends above? Find my preferred brand HERE.

"Sit down and shut up" (the crutch of false charity)

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Before I was a Christian, I was a pro-abort feminist. And the truth made me angry. I had no compassion for unborn babies because I could not see them. I was blinded with an anger and irritation that was irrational and fierce… a deep spiritual darkness which covered my intellect and emotions.⁣

It was ultimately that anger which drove me to the point of grace and conversion. And I thank God for people who were willing to be hated for the sake of my soul and the lives of the vulnerable.⁣

Do not be afraid of upsetting people with the truth. Their passion indicates that their soul is still alive and can be awakened to fullness in Christ. It is persistent apathy and numbness which are the more deadly.⁣

“I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of my mouth.” (Rev 3:16)⁣

It is often the angry ones who are still alive enough to be uncomfortable and willing to grapple. (That was me.) Even if their actions are upsetting and evil, it means they have to fight THAT hard to guard themselves from beliefs that threaten their attachments.⁣

Christian women are naturally sensitive to the reactions and feelings of others. That is as it should be. But we should remember that we cannot control others’ reactions and that we can’t minister to all hearts at the same time. The order of love for a soul is specific and personal.⁣

It is the Lord who does the work and He works in His time. When a soul is ready, we pray to be made useful in some way. But for the most part, we will never know how we have impacted others.⁣

There are Christians to whom I was accusatory before my conversion (and almost certainly after). And I hope that my emotion and error didn’t shake their confidence in Truth.⁣

It is possible that I led people away from Christ, and I thank God for others who opposed me even when I tried to shame them.⁣ Then there were the “peacemakers”who wanted all of the uncomfortable people to be quiet... and lukewarm.⁣

True charity comes in many forms. An emotional crutch for those attached to sin, error, or comfort is not one of them. Be not afraid. 🔥

For Your Informed Consent...

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Highly recommended book for 2021…

Vaccination: A Catholic Perspective by Pamela Acker

I like this book because it consolidates a mountain of info into a simple read. After a decade of researching on my own, it's a welcome resource.⁣

Some of you already know that I'm the mom of a couple vaccine-injured kids. I never questioned the science. I never questioned anything...⁣

Until the first injury.⁣

Even then I didn't question much. They told me it was rare and that my child shouldn't get a booster, but that was it. Nobody paid our medical bills. Nobody stayed up with us at night holding our child through seizures and daily vomit. Nobody told us we could report it.⁣

And so we moved on with our new sorrow and worries. Then 10 years later, it happened again. Different shot. Different kid. Different injury. Lord, have mercy.⁣

There are some thing you can't undo and it hurts every day. It was not all my fault but I cannot deny that I failed to do due diligence after the first injury. That fact pierces.⁣

I did not have true informed consent. I just believed what I was told.⁣

After the second event, I was forced by necessity to learn about what was happening to my child. And I fell into a painful and eye-opening world of study.⁣

I never wanted to be THAT MOM. I would give a lot to be able to undo the circumstances which forced me to be.⁣ I'm not an "anti-vaxxer" and I caution against using a word that has become a bludgeon used to silence grieving families who ask questions.⁣

This book is not "anti-vax" but a summary of what you should know to make informed decisions. A beginning.⁣ I didn't know that the shot which injured my infant was only safety tested for 4 DAYS. There's a lot I didn't know.⁣

The world wants to talk about the "miracle" shot currently in the news. The one that isn't FDA approved and doesn't even stop transmission. But the foundation of my response predates this jab by years... and will exist after it passes. I support...⁣

•Medical freedom.⁣
•Informed consent.⁣
•Reverence for the body.⁣
•Preference for God's design.⁣
•Ethical medical advances which do not interfere with conscience, natural law, bodily autonomy, or rights of the family.⁣


Molon Labe! (Death has no power)

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In 480 BC, the Persian king Xerxes invaded Greece with a great army. King Leonidas of Sparta stepped forward boldly with his army to try to stop the Persians. The trouble was...⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
The Spartans only had 300 soldiers.⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
In spite of small numbers, Leonides confronted the massive Persian army. Knowing his certain victory, Xerxes sent an ambassador to demand that the small army lay down their arms.⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ But Leonidas said:⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣

MOLON LABE (“Come and take them”)⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
What followed became known as the Battle of Thermopylae. King Leonidas was defeated. But his effort played a role in discouraging Persian interest in the war.⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ And planted a seed of courage for the ages...⁣
The phrase was taken up in the American Revolution and by freedom lovers since. During the Texas Revolution, Mexico demanded that Texans surrender their cannon...⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
The reply? “Come and take it.”⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
I embrace it as an American, but also as a Christian who sees the signs of the times and is preparing for onslaught and perhaps earthly defeat.⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
I say “Molon Labe!” as a shout of defiance to the armies of death and bondage. To those who would steal the heritage of faith and freedom from my children and target their bodies and souls.⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
My weapons are truth, fidelity, grace, mercy and charity. Every one of them is in the possession of Christ the King.⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ My "troops" are at His disposal. I welcome His authority. I ask Him to conquer me first and then vanquish the designs of my enemies.⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
Defiance against evil requires a radical spirit of humility that will not be silenced by fear... and which lays down all arms at the feet of the rightful King. Death has no power.⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
That is the way I desire to enter these times. Knowing that death is a guarantee in any life. Yet if I have given all to Christ... then I am certain to LIVE.⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
When the enemy, like Xerxes, meets my weakness, he knows my death is imminent. But because I have given over possession of all of my weapons to God...⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
Not even the power of death can destroy me.⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
Molon Labe 🔥

Leaving fear for Christmas

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I failed to get a whole family photo again but I did manage to get one with this pretty gal. She called me up before Christmas and suggested a Christmas Day pajama party and that’s what we did.⁣

If you would say a prayer for her, I’d be grateful. Her punishment for spending Christmas with family is that she will be forced to wear a mask in her own home at all times except for eating and sleeping.⁣

For 14 days.⁣

A woman who has to rely on others for every need, must have her face covered in her own home. Even though she is exempt by law. Even though she is not ill. Even though every able-bodied caregiver has no such intrusion on bodily autonomy.⁣

Her life is an ongoing act of humility and discomfort. And they would require even more as a condition of being hugged and loved by family.⁣

This keeps me up at night. And I struggle with helplessness and anger.⁣ I don’t know when she will be able to visit again. I also don’t know when she will be permitted to attend Holy Mass again. They say if she gets the shot... maybe she will be free.⁣

That’s called coercion.⁣

I objected to the lockdown from the word go in March because I could not see the good in separating the vulnerable from their essential community. “The vulnerable” have a face. Hers.⁣

Almost a full year later, little has changed for them.⁣

There are still people who can’t get essential medical care or therapy, can’t work, can’t see family, can’t worship, and are struggling under the weight of unrelenting grief and coercion.⁣

Listen... now that Christ has come and we have indulged and celebrated, some of our loved ones are still being crushed.⁣

We cannot allow the distractions of the season to allow us to forget. Christmas is not about distraction but about immersion and commission.⁣

He has called.⁣
Compelling us to seek Him.⁣
He has come.⁣
Now He is equipping us to leave fear, selfishness, and weakness...⁣

And to live the Gospel.⁣

It is not our purpose to nurture a faith that remains a “personal journey.” We are made for mission. Go see your people. Smash the idol of fear.⁣

That is Christmas.

They Strike Against the Flesh of Holiness (2021 Purpose)

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It was my intention to stay silent until after Christmas. But the enemy is bold and so I am compelled to be bold as well.⁣

At the precise moment when we wait in joyful hope for the coming of our Infant King...⁣ the enemy strikes directly at the heart of innocence through the torture, murder, and use of the bodies of babies in the name of "health."⁣

The demons cackle because they fancy that they have somehow defeated Christ by disfiguring and brutalizing the ones who bear His holy image. Just as Herod did to the Holy Innocents of his time. Just as all the tiny anti-Christs have done in their feeble grabs at power.⁣

They tear at the flesh of holiness. The provoke division and aggressively drag souls onto the path of perdition.⁣

"What has been is what will be,⁣
and what has been done is what will be done;⁣
and there is nothing new under the sun."
(Eccles. 1:9)⁣

But their boldness is part and parcel of their ruin. Christ has the victory. It is over for them. And as we wait, we praise. And we raise our voices and trumpets with the cries of holy justice.⁣

Where have they taken the Imago Deo, the Christ Child? To the chamber of "science" and sanitized homicide. To the hands that dissect and strip away dignity.⁣

What have they done with the body of our crucified Lord? They have taken him to be made into medicines and experimental formulas to be injected into the ones the enemy would have faceless and tormented.⁣

When the Holy Spirit entered into the womb of Mary, He knew. When Jesus Christ wept in the Garden of Gethsemane, He knew. When He hung on the Cross and pled for your soul, He knew. That He would be stripped of every dignity and comfort before the victory in order that you might know the fullness of eternal joy.⁣

May the joy of our Christmas celebrations be more passionate than the hatred of the enemy. It is the least we can do.⁣

What is holding you back from announcing His goodness and mercy to the world?⁣
That is what 2021 will be about.⁣

It will be a year of MERCY for the believer, in which we have the opportunity to become what we have been afraid of becoming...⁣

Children of the living God.⁣

O Come, O Come, Emmanuel 🔥

Give them names. (I will not be complicit)

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After hearing Bishop Strickland speak on the use of aborted children in vaccines, I have been trying to change my language when speaking about "fetal cells." He remarked that these children should have names. That their humanity should be acknowledged. By using medical terminology, we contribute to the dehumanization and loss of perspective.⁣

We should have a clear and strong sense that we are using people to get what we desire. And that this is morally unacceptable.⁣

They are children who should have names. So I have been changing "fetal" to "baby" and using "boy" or "girl" at times when the source of the cell line is known... and the response is interesting. Such a small shift and yet people notice. Even from fellow Catholics, the reaction is sometimes irritation that I'm using "sensational" language to try to elicit an emotional response.⁣

But that's the point. Abortion SHOULD elicit an emotional response. It is alarming, horrifying, and almost unbelievable in its scope of evil targeted toward the living person of the child.⁣

If you have a negative emotional reaction to the idea that children are being murdered, dissected, (sometimes dissected before death) and used for medical research and products, that's good news. Your conscience is still functioning. It is when you no longer have an appropriate emotional response to such horrific acts that you should be worried.⁣

Remember when Christians were appalled that Pepsi was using babies to test their products? Where is that same outrage over pharma using babies to test and develop vaccines?⁣

We are being acclimated to the boiling pot. We must restore our sensitivity to other people. We must be willing to be among the minority who say:⁣

I will not be complicit.⁣
I will not use people.⁣
Not directly.⁣
Not remotely.⁣
Not for a can of pop.⁣
Not for the plague.⁣
Not for a high survival virus.⁣
Not if I have any knowledge of the abuse and the crime.

Of Epidemics and Healing Revival...

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I’ve been reading about epidemics. I know, I know... not really the stuff of Advent. Sitting in front of a glowing tree, a roaring fire... and a book with photos of smallpox victims from the late 1800’s.⁣

Not super twinkly of me. But I’m a health nerd, what can I say? And what I’ve been finding is amazing...⁣

Regardless of what period of history I study, certain truths about health remain unchanging. Above all... the most effective way to reduce disease and illness is a combination of the following:⁣

Improved nutrition⁣
Good hygiene⁣
Sanitary living and working conditions⁣
Clean water⁣
Eliminating toxic exposure⁣
Fresh air⁣
Elimination of “Hospitalism”⁣

Epidemics in the US declined to almost nothing when these needs were met. Va( (ines arrived on the scene only after disease was deeply in decline. And heavy-handed medical intervention generally contributed to a decrease, not an increase, in health.⁣

In my book, The Sunshine Principle, I don’t talk about epidemics, but I do talk about the conditions necessary for health and how God designed you to thrive.⁣

I don’t talk about the deleterious effects of drinking water tainted with sewage because that’s not our beast anymore.⁣

In our great wealth, we have eliminated certain hazards. And yet in our gluttony and sensuality, we have turned back the clock and have restored some risk factors, particularly:⁣

Poor nutrition⁣
Toxicity (food, products, environment)⁣…

And have added the significant risk factor of excessive medical intervention.⁣

God’s design does not need fixing. Our immune systems are complex and still largely beyond the comprehension of science. It is a grave violation of dignity to continue to tinker ourselves into decline.⁣

Isn’t it time to rediscover God’s plan for health?⁣

Isn’t it time to turn around the deadly epidemics of autoimmune disease, heart disease, cancer, neurological disease, and diabetes which are killing us in far greater numbers than our current “pandemic”?⁣

My answer is yes or I wouldn’t have written the book. Medical freedom. Health independence. A restoration to design.⁣

Time for revival. ☀️⁣

(Buy my book here: The Sunshine Principle)