They told me you were big, Son.

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They told me he was big when he was born. Well, I knew that... I birthed him. It got a little dicey and they almost had to break him to help me deliver...⁣⁣
But neither of us broke.
⁣And they looked at me with shock as I smiled and talked about “next time.”⁣⁣
“Next time?” they asked incredulously. “You mean you want more kids after going through that?⁣⁣”
“I feel like superwoman. I don’t want to do it again quite yet... let’s let this little guy grow. But his life has already changed me and made me brave.”⁣⁣
They told me he was big. But they didn’t know how big he would be. How he would fill the space without trying to. And you could almost hear his bones and his spirit creak as he stretched.⁣⁣
His dad gave him a name of strength... so that he would not forget his roots... roots going back through Salvation History. Big and deep roots.⁣⁣
Do you know what this world wants to do to our sons? It wants to make them small. To take our giants and make them into automated, addicted, enslaved, numbed, ineffective shadows. Make them forget who they are.⁣⁣
And this week, as I remember his transformative birth and celebrate the gift of his amazing life... I beg the Holy Spirit to anoint him for a holy purpose. Protect him. Guide him. Challenge him. Ignite him.⁣⁣
They told me you were big, son. They don’t know the half of it. And my prayer is that you will stay big in the Lord... never satisfied with anything less than His desire for your life.⁣⁣
Happy birthday, kid. I love you.🔥🔥🔥

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